Explore Port Harmony and Tame Reef Spiders in Shroud of the Avatar’s Latest Update: Release 113

Explore Port Harmony and Tame Reef Spiders in Shroud of the Avatar’s Latest Update: Release 113

Shroud of the Avatar has released its latest update, Release 113. The update, which went live on April 27th, 2023, introduces new content, improvements, and bug fixes. One of the most significant additions in this update is the new scene of Port Harmony. Port Harmony is a thriving Tier 8 adventure scene that features a…

Shroud Of The Avatar: Forsaken Virtues – Is SOTA Worth Playing in 2023?

Shroud Of The Avatar: Forsaken Virtues – Is SOTA Worth Playing in 2023?

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues by Catnip Games, formerly Portalarium, is an MMORPG, a misunderstood multiplayer online/offline RPG. We will get to this awkward definition in a moment. In the early 2010s, MMORPGs were all the rage. Seduced by World of Warcraft’s success, several gaming companies – new and veteran alike – set out…

Shroud of the Avatar Updates Crafting And Food And Drink Systems

Shroud of the Avatar Updates Crafting And Food And Drink Systems

A new Shroud of the Avatar update has been posted on the official site, detailing some of the work the devs have been doing lately. Some big changes has been made to the crafting system and the food and drink system has been revamped. How and how often new content and updates is delivered to…