Northrend Recreated In Playable Valheim Mod

A detailed map with varied terrains including snowy mountains, deserts, and green plains. Distinct regions are marked with different colors, suggesting diverse climates and landscapes. A small compass icon is located in the bottom right corner.

A Valheim modder by the name of DrakonmanTheFox on Twitter has recreated the entire continent of Northrend as a playable Valheim mod.

You are one of the First Vrykul hit with The Curse of Flesh. Now you must begin the rise of humanity, or die a worthy death and join Odyn in the Halls of Valor

Drakonman used the Better Continents mod to create Northrend and was created with “play-ability in mind with a difficulty curve”.

The mod can be downloaded over at Nexus Mods.

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