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The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition)

Four fantasy characters in detailed armor and attire stand side by side. Each has unique outfits, featuring horns, ornate armor, beards, and animal-themed accessories, set against a dark, mystical background.

Merry Christmas Azeroth (or Winter Veil I guess), and welcome back to the second part of our series where we look at transmog for the average adventurer.

Meaning that we don’t (always) pick the biggest shoulderpad or the flashiest sword. We’re also not too picky about matching colors at all times.

Part 1 of the Transmog for the Average Adventurer can be found here.

Part 2 is all about the holiday but without using any of the Winter Veil gear.

Kul tiran Viking Warlord

Santa isn’t the only beared fellow from the north. The Viking Warlord is as well.

For this I used a Kul Tiran, but the set looks good on all manner of races like normal Humans, Dwarves and Orcs.

This set used some great new pieces from the Shadowlands as well as a few older ones.

The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 1
Head: Bartered Vrykul Warhelm
Shoulders: Bloodwake Spaulders (World Drop)
Chest: Rampaging Giant’s Chestplate (Sludgefist Castle Nathria Normal)
Waist: Fel Burnished Waistguard (World Drop)
Legs: Ceremonial Parade Legguards (Stone Legion Generals Castle Nathria Normal)
Feet: Deadly Gladiator’s Greaves of Victory (Vendor)
Wrist: Oathsworn Vambraces
Hands: Bloodwake Gauntlets (World Drop)
Back: Parrotfeather Cloak (Skycap’n Kragg Freehold Mythic)
Main Hand: Bladefist Broadaxe (World Drop)
The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 2

Zandalari Troll Gold Hunter

Gold is often used when decorating for Christmas, it is also used to decorate the entire Zandalari Empire.

You might be thinking that gold isn’t fitting for the average adventurer, but for the Zandalari gold is the only way to go.

This is the transmog I personally use on my main Hunter, and I thought it was fitting here due to the ornamental gold look.

The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 3
Head: Resilient Outcast’s Coif
Shoulders: Devilbone Shoulderguards
Chest: Bilewing Jerkin (Quest)
Waist: Bilewing Belt (Quest)
Legs: Golden Scale Leggings (Profession)
Feet: Resilient Outcast’s Footguards
Wrist: Argent Conscript’s Wristclamps
Hands: Resilient Outcast’s Handlers (Quest)
Back: Sauroscale Cloak of Adaptation (World Drop)
Main Hand: Longbow of the Hunt (Quest)
Tabard: Renowned Guild Tabard (Vendor)
The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 4

Dwarven Shaman Winter King

This Dwarf Shaman is doing his best Christmas tree impression.

There are a ton of great simple transmog options for Dwarven Shamans, and similar sets can easily be done in other colors.

The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 5
Head: Valarjar Runepriest’s Vesture (Vendor)
Shoulders: Shadow Archer’s Spaulders (The Amalgam of Souls Black Rook Hold Normal)
Chest: Prideful Gladiator’s Linked Armor (Vendor)
Waist: Girdle of the Legion General (Fel Lord Zakuun Hellfire Citadel Heroic)
Legs: Prideful Gladiator’s Mail Leggings (Vendor)
Feet: Treads of Edward the Odd (World Drop)
Hands: Prideful Gladiator’s Ringmail Gauntlets (Vendor)
Back: Gossamer-Spun Greatcloak (Elerethe Renferal The Emerald Nightmare Raid Finder)
Main Hand: Chopped Off Ancient Limb (Quest)
Off Hand: The Boreal Guard (Hodir Ulduar Normal)
The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 6

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Highmountain Tauren Druid

Nothing says Christmas like a huge biped bovine dressed in red, with plenty of places to hang ornaments.

I started making this set as a joke but now I lowkey want to seriously use it on my Tauren.

For the ho-ho-horde!

The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 7
Head: Glory Seeker’s Helm (Odyn Halls of Valor Normal)
Shoulders: Wild Gladiator’s Pauldrons (Vendor)
Waist: Wild Gladiator’s Belt of Victory (Vendor)
Legs: Sucker-Scarred Leggings (Helya Trial of Valor Mythic)
Feet: Blighted Leather Footpads (Escape from Arthas Halls of Reflection Normal)
Wrist: Wildshifter Bracers
Hands: Tawny Gloves (Quest)
Back: Parrotfeather Cloak (Skycap’n Kragg Freehold Mythic)
Main Hand: Biggun Wollopper (Quest)
The Best Transmogs For The Average Adventurer Part 2 (Christmas Edition) 8

That’s it for now, we’ll be posting more every week in the Transmog section.

Have any ideas or questions, leave a comment below.

Merry Christmas and Winter Veil!

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