Beyond the Veil Patch 3 is Live in Albion Online with Changes to Roads of Avalon and a New Streamer Mode 1

Beyond the Veil Patch 3 is Live in Albion Online with Changes to Roads of Avalon and a New Streamer Mode

Albion Online has released its third Beyond the Veil patch which introduces significant changes to the Roads of Avalon. The changes are based on feedback received from players. The original intention was to make the Roads of Avalon solely targeted at groups, however, the developers now feel this does not represent the diversity of audiences that the Roads have catered to in the past. As such, the new patch aims to increase activity, content, and rewards for a wider audience on the Roads, without taking content away from existing groups.

One of the key changes is the adjustment of roaming Avalonian mobs and weaker Avalonian camps to be more suitable for 1-3 players. Medium camps have largely been left unchanged, but are better protected from very small groups. Strong camps have had their rewards increased and should be playable in groups of 7 or more players. The environment of the Roads has also been revamped, and mob abilities have been adjusted. In addition, a Safe Streamer Mode has been introduced, which allows streamers to hide certain UI elements while live streaming.

Other changes include the introduction of a more lenient debuff for characters fast traveling from a Rest or Outlands Hideout, and a change in the map for the Crystal League and Crystal Arena. Finally, the patch includes improvements to underperforming items and abilities and changes to the 5v5 Crystal League meta. The developers of Albion Online have said they will continue to read feedback and collect data to ensure the Roads are a great option for all audiences.

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