EverQuest’s Darkpaw Games Shares Accomplishments and Plans in April 2023 Producer’s Letter

Illustration of a fantasy landscape featuring large trees, ancient stone structures, and a dragon-shaped statue alongside the EverQuest logo. Text reads: "Producer's Letter.

Darkpaw Games, the developer of the popular MMORPG game EverQuest, has released its latest Producer’s Letter for April 2023, sharing exciting updates for the game’s loyal fan base. The letter highlights the accomplishments of the development team so far this year, including unlocking all of the Night of Shadows raids, adding new content for events such as Erollisi Day and Brew Day, and celebrating the game’s 24th anniversary.

Looking forward, the team announced the launch of their new UI Engine in April, which will feature a few windows ported to the new engine to ensure its base works correctly. Additionally, the team will add new content for the Tempest Festival and Pride Month Familiars in June.

The most significant announcement from the Producer’s Letter is the upcoming release of the game’s new Progression Server named Oakwynd. This Evolving Ruleset Progression Server will feature Legacy Characters and Encounter Locking, where players can receive a semi-permanent experience bonus, and NPCs will lock to the character, group, or raid that engages them. The server will also include an unlocking schedule and a True Box feature, allowing only one EverQuest client to run per computer, with relaxed rules added as the server progresses.

Finally, Darkpaw Games announced that they are hiring content creators for their San Diego location and encouraged all classes to apply.

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