Lost Ark’s Art of War Update Brings New Artist Class, Tulubik Battlefield, and More

Fantasy-themed video game artwork for "Lost Ark" Spring Update titled "The Art of War," featuring a character with mouse ears and a blue ribbon, surrounded by armored figures and a mystical landscape.

Lost Ark players can now enjoy the new Art of War update, which was released on March 14. The release notes for the update reveal exciting new content, including the new Artist Advanced Class, a new 96-player (48v48) Realm versus Realm mode called Tulubik Battlefield, and the return of the fan-favorite Naruni Racing event with the Arkesia Grand Prix.

One of the highlights of the Art of War update is the new Artist Advanced Class, which is capable of tactical versatility with illusion powers from her brush. She specializes in supporting her team and can either choose to attack foes directly or summon holy beasts by painting them. While the Artist’s attack power is on the low side, she is capable of providing strong support to allies and rescuing them from peril with her illusion powers.

Lost Ark's Art of War Update Brings New Artist Class, Tulubik Battlefield, and More 1

Another exciting addition to the game is the Tulubik Battlefield, a new 96-player (48 v 48) Realm versus Realm mode where players can fight for more than just glory. Players can select their Faction, earn rewards, and determine the fate of Rowen. The Arkesia Grand Prix is also back, featuring two teams of seven players (7v7) competing against each other while racing around a course while transformed and preventing the other team from progressing.

Lost Ark's Art of War Update Brings New Artist Class, Tulubik Battlefield, and More 2

The update also introduces the Ark Pass Season 3, which adds new ways for players to earn meaningful rewards just by playing the game. Players can complete missions to progress through 30 Ark Pass levels, and with each level reached, new rewards will be unlocked and earned. The regular Ark Pass is completely free and grants a variety of helpful rewards, such as Pheons, honing material selection chests, a Legendary Card Pack, and even the Chromarong Pet!

The update also includes a variety of progression events such as the Punika Powerpass, the Hyper Express Plus Event, and the Story Express event. These events provide players with opportunities to level up quickly and earn valuable rewards.

The release notes also detail a variety of quality of life improvements, events, cosmetics, balance changes, and other updates that players can explore.

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