LOTRO’s Warden Class Changes Announced in Developer’s Diary

A warrior with a glowing cape stands in a field of purple and white flowers, facing a large blue dragon. There is a half-timbered building and trees in the background under a partly cloudy sky.

The developer OnnMacMahal has announced changes to the Warden class in an upcoming update for the game.

The Warden class is structured around the use of gambit skills, but the current state of the class faces issues such as a lack of defensive cooldown abilities and underutilized gambit chains. The class also has a large amount of effect clutter and the damage-dealing specialization, Seize the Moment, overshadows other class mechanics.

To address these issues, the Assailment trait tree will become a passive, non-specialization tree and the Seize the Moment effect will be removed. The new skill ‘Rapid Techniques’ and the trait ‘Strong Foundations’ will retain the spirit of Seize the Moment.

The developesr aims to make the Warden class more competitive in both tanking and damage-dealing roles while maintaining its focus on proactive gameplay.

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