New Preview Video Offers a Glimpse into ‘Blue Protocol’s’ Intricate Character Creation

Two animated characters stand side by side in a character creation screen from a video game. One character has short brown hair, while the other has blue hair. Both are wearing casual, modern outfits. Japanese text overlays the center of the image.

In a fresh step towards its highly anticipated launch, the upcoming Japanese online action RPG, ‘Blue Protocol,’ has released a new sneak peek into its character creation process through a recent YouTube video. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the PC-based MMO since its announcement, captivated by its promise to blend the artistic style of cinematic animation with the immersive aspects of online multiplayer action.

The character creation video illustrates the depth of customization options available to players. The feature sets the stage for a high degree of player personalization, offering a rich array of options that allow players to shape their characters’ appearance down to the smallest detail.

YouTube video

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