The Grim Challenge Returns to Albion Online and Lands Awakened Hits the Test Server

A fantasy scene depicts two characters on a hilltop. One is casting a magical storm, while the other readies a glowing weapon. Dark clouds, lightning, and birds fill the sky, with a vast landscape stretching into the distance.

There’s quite a lot going on in Albion Online this month. First off is the Grim Challenge which is back for the entire month of November.

During the challenge, players can earn the Grim Challenge Avatar Ring, a Pest Lizard, and other seasonal rewards.

As always, you can earn Challenge Points by gathering, fishing, farming, and killing monsters. Points count simultaneously toward a daily bonus, a weekly unlockable chest, and the monthly mount and avatar ring reward. So log in, head out into the open world, gather points, and claim these rewards while they last!

Secondly, Albion’s next major update titled Lands Awakened will go live on November 24th and is live right now on the test server.

The update brings improved graphics to the game, along with reworked open-world dungeons, updated terrain, an expanded soundtrack, the new War Gloves weapon line, and much more.

Head over to the official Albion Online website to learn more about the update.

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