The Most Popular Lord Of The Rings Online Plugins and Addons in 2023

Screenshot of a game interface from Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) with a character engaged in combat. Overlay text reads "LOTRO Addons" in large letters. Various in-game elements like health bars, chat, and maps are visible.

Lord of the Rings Online plugins are useful to all players. Whether you are a veteran or beginner, casual or hardcore, these tools improve many aspects of the game. We present a variety of LOTRO plugins designed to make your Middle-earth adventures more successful.

Combat, Raiding, and Performance

Combat Analysis

The Most Popular Lord Of The Rings Online Plugins and Addons in 2023 1

What’s an MMORPG without a combat parser? Combat Analysis is your DPS check, healing meter, and tank parse all into one. This tool provides a breakdown of your abilities and other significant data. The MMO community is ambivalent towards this kind of plugin, but if you want to improve your performance, a combat parser is of unquestionable help.


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Don’t let the name fool you. MiniRaid is a handy plugin for all players, not just raiders. Initially, it catered towards healers, but eventually, it became practical to all roles. You can use it to keep track of boss timers, debuffs, and raid member statuses, including yourself. It also works for PvP.

Prime Plugin

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Prime Plugin elevates the gaming experience, offering greater convenience and personalization. It has several modules serving different purposes. Using the UI module, one can create timers, bars, alerts, and more. This function is of tremendous help in combat. The Bags module is a handy bag organizer. The Vitals module shows vitals for you and your party. Prime also includes a combat parser.

CC Timer

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The CC Timer plugin helps players keep track of crowd control abilities. It displays visual timers for skills like stuns, roots, and dazes, allowing for better coordination and timing during encounters. The plugin shows several columns that display which crowd control skills are optimal to use on an enemy already under the effect of a crowd control ability.


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The PvMP+ plugin offers Ettenmoors-specific information and functionality. It tracks how much infamy and renown a player has accumulated. It also shows player ranks, creeps, and freeps. Customizable alerts for key events are part of the deal too. You may also want to check out PvMP+ Revisited, an alternative version developed by another author.

LIP – Legendary Item Planner

The Most Popular Lord Of The Rings Online Plugins and Addons in 2023 6

The plugin provides a comprehensive toolset for planning, tracking, and managing legendary item upgrades and legacies. It includes a compendium of all legacies for all classes and legendary items. The functionalities include optimal point spending. It is an invaluable tool for players seeking to maximize the power and effectiveness of their legendary items.

Palantir III

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Stemming from the original 2011 Palantir, this third version is the newest installment of the custom HUD. The plugin allows players to make personalized heads-up displays keeping vital information readily accessible at all times. All the combat info you need is right in front of your eyes.

Epic Battle Plugin

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As the name suggests, this Lord of the Rings Online plugin is specifically conceived for Epic Battles. It provides objective-related information, such as available quests and progress. It has timers for waves, traps, and side quests. It also features a kill count.

Group Manager

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Group Manager is used for quick regrouping. It’s great for party leaders when they want to resume a raid with the same party. The plugin shows a list of the people that were in the group. You have the option to invite or dismiss them. Fellowship members are shown in green. Group Manager also has a ready check function.


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DebuffVitals provides information about the conditions that affect your character and targets. We are talking about buffs, debuffs, and other effects. It is an essential tool for serious raiders. You can modify it to track certain effects and hide it outside combat.


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Gibberish is a plugin to track the timers for buffs and debuffs. It’s an alternative to Prime and Buff Bars. You can create various tabs to keep track of the desired buffs. Which of the three is the better plugin depends on your personal taste. Prime is more comprehensive, but some prefer Gibberish because of its simplicity.

Scrolling Combat Text

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The name of this Lord of the Rings Online plugin couldn’t be more accurate. This tool places combat information in the middle of the screen. It shows dealt and taken damage, healing, and power gain. You can customize the color of the messages, scrolling direction, scroll speed, and placement.

Maps and Navigation


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MoorMap is a utility plugin that improves the in-game maps. Users can add personalized annotations to a certain location. A handy filter allows quick browsing. The plugin keeps track of NPCs, spawning locations, mines, and more. It also has annotation synchronization with Terrain Map.

Terrain Map

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With Terrain Map, players can better navigate and explore the diverse landscapes of Middle-earth. This navigation plugin provides players with a detailed representation of the game’s terrains, including elevations, landmarks, and geographical features. You can scroll and zoom the game’s regions to easily find locations. It supports annotation functionality similar to MoorMap.


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StableGuy allows players to rapidly plan and execute their journeys across Middle-earth. The plugin is easy to use. Select your From and To and let StableGuy work its magic as it computes the shortest route. It displays all the Stable Masters and other locations, such as raid entrances and campfires.

Travel Window II

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Travel Window II streamlines the use of travel-related skills. The plugin displays all the travel skills in one window. It also includes reputation, housing, race, and class skills. You can opt for one of the four display styles: icon, text, carousel, or pull-down list.


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If you are having trouble figuring out in which direction to go, Waypoint is a must-have plugin. It eliminates the need to use the map. The arrow on your head points to the direction of a location of interest. It also informs you when you reach the set destination.

Activities, Items, and Crafting

Deed Tracker

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Deed Tracker conveniently organizes and tracks progress on various deeds, allowing players to efficiently plan their activities. It shows both completed and uncompleted deeds. A nice functionality is that it even shows the hidden deeds. Thanks to a search bar, you can immediately get info on a specific deed.

LOTRO Compendium

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Aptly named so, the LOTRO Compendium is a comprehensive database serving as a valuable resource. It provides info on quests, deeds, and items. It is of undeniable help as it shows quest prerequisites and directions. With its intuitive search functionality and organized categorization, Compendium offers quick access to essential knowledge.

Item Treasury

The Most Popular Lord Of The Rings Online Plugins and Addons in 2023 20

Item Treasury is a valuable plugin that assists players when they want to know more about an item. No more alt-tabbing as this comprehensive database has all the items in the game. Item name, description, and category work as search filters.

Daily Tasks reference

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The plugin is an encyclopedic database of daily tasks, complete with objectives, rewards, and locations. Moreover, it searches your bag for trophy items that are task objectives. It also tells you if your alts can use your items. It is a great tool to improve efficiency and rewards from tasks.

Crafting Companion

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The Crafting Companion works as an assistant for the daily crafting tasks. From tracking ingredients across multiple characters and calculating the optimal number of crafted items, this plugin helps you maximize the rewards. It also gives you the base materials needed to make crafted ingredients.

Alt Management

Alt Inventory

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Alt Inventory is a convenient plugin that simplifies inventory management across multiple characters. It provides a centralized view of your alts’ inventories, including equipped bags, vaults, equipped items, and shared storage. It does not have access to the house storage. Text search and item category facilitate browsing through your alts’ possessions.


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Kiki’s take on alt storage management is a worthy alternative to the Alt Inventory plugin. This tool lets you view and search the wallet, bags, vaults, and shared storage of your alts without actually loging in on those characters. You can search items by name. The option to limit the search in one (or more) of the four categories listed above is also present.


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AltHolic is an indispensable plugin for players with multiple characters. It offers a comprehensive overview of all characters, tracking their equipped gear, money in the wallet, reputation, shared storage, profession level, XP, recipes, and more. It has a search function so you can quickly locate an alt. You can even use AltHolic to delete characters.


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Alt Wallet is a practical plugin that simplifies currency management across multiple characters. It provides a centralized view of the finances, allowing players to track currency between their alts. It also shows character and account-bound wallet items. A search function is not missing.

User Interface and Bag Management

LoTRO Alerts

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LoTRO Alerts keeps players informed with customizable alerts and notifications. You can set it to react to specific words and chat channels. It is of use in combat and also outside of it. From tracking in-game events, incoming messages, item drops, or quest updates, Lotro Alerts ensures players never miss important information.


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TonicBars is a bar manager plugin that allows users to add new bars and extend the functionality of the traditional bars. The plugin allows the creation of personalized bars. You can set the number of rows and visibility conditions (in or outside combat or specific HP values). The bar setup can be saved and copied to another char.

Titan Bar

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The Titan Bar plugin adds a customizable bar with various widgets, such as character stats, currency display, reputation tracking, XP, time, equipment score, shared storage, and more. Players can select what info they want to see on the bar. The visibility options include the auto-hide and hide in combat settings.


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The HugeBag LOTRO plugin combines all your six backpacks into one giant bag. You can choose between the widget and window modes. The plugin shows the total number of slots, free slots, and occupied slots. It has a search function and can also see shared storage and alts vault.

Pets and Mounts

Animalerie and AnimalerieV2

The Most Popular Lord Of The Rings Online Plugins and Addons in 2023 31

Animalerie is a pet plugin that allows players to manage their pets and food. This simple tool displays two bars. The first one has the pets. The second one shows their nourishment. It has a feature to randomize pets. AnimalerieV2 is the new version created by the same author.

PetStable and Pet Carousel

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PetStable is a simple plugin for all the pet enthusiasts out there. It shows a bar with your available pets and it offers the option to call on a random pet. Pet Carousel shows three pets. You can change them using the mouse wheel.


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Horsey! is a fun plugin that randomly activates one of your available mounts. If you like to cycle through mounts but don’t want to make the decision, let the plugin pull one for you. And if you don’t like the mount, simply click on Horsey! and it will make a new selection. The plugin has multiple modules, so it can be used with pets and other collections.



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The Songbook plugin is a fantastic tool for anyone who loves music and role-playing. The plugin allows you to play music in the game. It imports and plays ABC music files. You can easily select and play songs and even synchronize with other players.


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Just as the name implies, this plugin provides access to your consumables. It creates a bar with your foods and drinks, so you can easily consume them. If you don’t want the plugin window to take up space on the UI, just close it and open it when you need to eat or drink.

Festival Buddy II

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This one is for all the festival-goers on Middle-earth. The plugin manages your progress, so you can have the most out of these events. It shows how many tokens you have in the wallet and the cost of the festival items. It provides a guide for quests. The dance instructor helps with the tasks that involve dancing.

Graphic Enhancement and Customization

JRR Skins Collection

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This is a collection of skins or user interface themes that alter the aspect of the game. The skins do not provide any functionality, they just offer a different look. The JRR Skins Collection currently holds the most popular Lord of the Rings Online skins, including some that have been abandoned by the original creators. Users can modify or delete any individual skin as they are interdependent.


No one can question the beauty and immersive quality of the game’s art style, but the aging visuals are becoming less and less attractive with each passing year. ReShade is an open-sourced post-processing tool that enhances LOTRO’s graphics. You can download it from its website and set it up thanks to plenty of online guides.

Outdated Lord of the Rings Online Plugins That Might Still Work

We chose to list these outdated plugins as they are among the most useful – and still used – LOTRO tools. At the time of this writing, these highly-popular plugins have stopped receiving support from their original creators. Occasionally, community members provide fixes and updates to keep these plugins afloat.

  • BuffBars – It shows a bar displaying the buffs, debuffs, and potion cooldowns for your character. This particular outdated plugin receives patches from the community to keep it relevant.
  • Bevy o’ Bars – Quickslot bar creator and manager that lets users make personalized bars.
  • Buff Monitor – Similar to BuffBars but simpler and with fewer configuration options.
  • Mouse Cursor Highlighter Advanced – Makes the mouse cursor more visible.
  • Mouse Finder – Encloses the mouse cursors in a rotating circle to improve its visibility in combat.
  • Simple Notes/ Simply Notes/Lotropad – Easy to use notepad plugins to make quick notes.
  • Sequence Bars – A plugin that creates a mobile skill sequence you can click without moving the mouse.

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