The Next Lost Ark Beta Will Run From November 4th to 11th

A dramatic seascape features two large, old sailing ships battling stormy waves at night. Lightning illuminates the dark sky, highlighting the ships’ tall masts and billowing sails. The ocean appears turbulent under the cloudy sky.

The next beta test for the upcoming MMOARPG Lost Ark will begin on November 4th and run until November 11th.

The primary focus of the Beta test will be on the technical aspects of the game such as server stability, tech integrations, and large scale bug testing, but you’ll also find a host of new content that you can experience and help us test.

Characters will be capped at level 50 and expeditions at level 100. Abyss Dungeons, Chaos Dungeons, and Tier 2 Guardian Raids will also be available.

To join the test you can either sign up for a chance at a spot or purchase a Founder’s Pack for a guaranteed spot in the beta.

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