Albion Online's Into the Fray Patch 6 Adds Japanese and Italian Language Support 1

Albion Online’s Into the Fray Patch 6 Adds Japanese and Italian Language Support

Albion Online is proud to announce the release of Albion Online Into the Fray Patch 6, which introduces Japanese and Italian language support, Guild Finder, and Guild Season Changes. With these new additions, Albion Online will be able to further expand its player base and provide an even more enjoyable experience for all.

Albion Online Into the Fray Patch also adds a Guild Finder feature, which will allow players to easily find and join guilds that suit their playstyle, while also making it easier for Guilds to find new members.

Read the full update on the Albion Online site.

In other Albion news, Sandbox Interactive recently shared its latest developments update which can be seen below.

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