Ashes of Creation September Update Looks at Node Simulation, New Mounts, and Optimizing Performance

Two characters in ornate armor and blue scarves stand under the title "Ashes of Creation: September Development Update." They wear golden crowns, and the logo for Intrepid Studios is at the bottom. The background is dark and textured.

Steven Sharif and Margaret Krohn are back with the Ashes of Creation Development Update for September. This month we got a preview of two new mounts, some info on how node simulation works, and a look at the quite unique death effect in Ashes of Creation, where your character burst into a pile of ashes when killed.

We also got a look at what the developers have been working on in terms of optimizing FPS performance in the form of 1000 armored players on screen at the same time

Lastly, we also got to see some environmental and character art along with a short QA from the community.

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