Champions Online Celebrate 12th Anniversary

A superhero figure stands next to a large multi-tiered cake with lit candles. The cake is decorated with blue accents and the words "Happy Anniversary Champions!" are written on the side. Bright lights and colorful background complete the festive scene.

Champions Online has now been going strong for twelve years and is celebrating for four weeks.

The first week (ending on the 8t) will include the return of the Top Ten event.

Your old friend, Top Ten, is back from last year’s anniversary event, and he wants to take you on a tour of Champions History! Each week of the Anniversary, he’ll have a new mission based on the things you voted as your Top Ten favorites in Champions Online! This first week, he’ll send you on a scavenger hunt to find heroes and civilians throughout the game.

And the Save the Cats! event.

Your old friend, Top Ten, is back from last year’s anniversary event, and he wants to take you on a tour of Champions History! Each week of the Anniversary, he’ll have a new mission based on the things you voted as your Top Ten favorites in Champions Online! This first week, he’ll send you on a scavenger hunt to find heroes and civilians throughout the game.

Sapphire is also back with a concert in the middle of the city.

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