Embers Adrift’s Latest Update: The Forgotten Depths, a Multi-Phase Dungeon Adventure

A digital game cover for "Embers Adrift" featuring the title written in bold, fiery text. Below, "Forgotten Depths" and "March 2023" are displayed against a backdrop of a mysterious forest at night.

Embers Adrift has recently released a new update called The Forgotten Depths. This update features a new dungeon and many improvements to the game.

The Forgotten Depths is a multi-phase dungeon for players level 28 and above. The first phase takes place in Redshore Forest and is full of dangers such as Nocturnes and dark alchemists experimenting with Ember, the game’s main resource. Players are encouraged to gather a group of friends and venture into the depths to put an end to this evil.

One of the major features of this update is the Group Elevated Level (GEL) system. This system allows players to temporarily increase their level when playing with friends of a higher level, making it easier to group up and tackle higher-level content. The update also includes new long-form quests, expanded backpack and gathering bag slots, and combat auras that no longer need to be reapplied every time you re-enter combat.

In addition to The Forgotten Depths, the previous update called The Threat of Grimstone added a new zone called Grimstone Canyon, which is a large overland region starting at level 30. It also introduced new monsters, new abilities for all specializations, and performance improvements.

Embers Adrift’s developers are committed to improving the game without compromising the core experience. They have a simple purchase + subscription model with no other monetization in the game, such as cash shops or microtransactions. The game can be purchased for $29.99, which includes one month of game time, or players can subscribe for $9.99/month.

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