
EverQuest’s Fippy Fest 2024: Ambassador Edition Tickets and Activities Announced

Text-based image featuring "Fippy Fest 2024" on the left in bold, golden letters. On the right, the logo for "EverQuest II" with two dragon heads and "Year of Darkpaw" written below against a purple background.

Details regarding the upcoming Fippy Fest 2024 have been shared on the EverQuest website. The event, celebrating 25 years of EverQuest and 20 years of EverQuest II, is scheduled for June 14-15, 2024, in San Diego, CA. Attendees checking in will receive a collectible badge, a Swag Bag with curated items, limited-edition posters of Norrath, a Fippy Fest T-shirt and hoodie, among other collectible surprises.

The Ambassador Edition ticket promises a range of exclusive experiences, including a meet and greet, a poster signing party, an exclusive tour of the Darkpaw & Daybreak Games office, and chances for direct interaction with the game development team.

The festival agenda on June 15 starts with a Keynote presentation, celebrating the history and highlights of the games, upcoming features, and announcements. Following this, several panels will facilitate Q&A sessions for both in-person and online participants, offering insights into game development and future plans.

Ticket holders will be provided with meals during the event, including continental breakfasts, catered lunches and dinners, and a special fantasy-themed dinner with the developers. The event also includes various opportunities for networking and personal interaction with the game teams and community members.

With a limited number of in-person tickets available and a third already sold, interested participants are encouraged to secure their attendance soon. The Ambassador Edition ticket includes exclusive merchandise like a Year of Darkpaw backpack, limited-edition posters, an original soundtrack on vinyl, digital goods for both games, and more, along with full access to the two-day celebration.

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