LOTRO Events Schedule For 2021

It looks like 2021 is going to be another busy year for Lord of the Rings Online players. The event schedule for 2021 was posted on the LOTRO forums and it is packed!
Events include the Spring Festival in March, an anniversary event in April and tons of more fun throughout the year.
See you in Middle-Earth!
I’m glad that the game is still going strong!
And here we are on the cusp of the release of a new free-for-VIP and LotRO Store purchase w/ points, of the newest update; Update 29. New stuff for early-leveling and even some new missions and instances for end-game as well. Finally the Bree-Land huge icon on the map will be replaced with a new area to adventure in.
Thanks SSG for keeping my favorite game going on 14 years now, growing strong!
Mount Gundabad in the Fall. 🙂
Let me clarify: Free for VIP OR purchase on LotRO Store w/ points. 🙂