LOTRO Executive Producer’s Letter Lays Out The Details For 2021

Executive Producer for The Lord of the Rings Online Rob Ciccolini starts the letter by thanking the players of the title that is moving into its 14th year, before moving on to what the year will look like for LOTRO.
- March: Wildwood of Bree-land will be added to the game, a below-level cap area where two factions fight for control.
- The Spring Festival also returns in March with a “new 6-player Boss from the Vaults: Naruhel the Red Maid.”
- After Wildwood we will see Further Adventures. Quest arcs that use the mission system to explore the stories of prominent characters from Middle-earth. Bilbo is first up.
- Summer: Update 30: The Blood of Azog will be released which “will feature a new Interlude, new Quests, new Missions, and a new Raid in a Quest Pack that is free to VIPs!”
- Fall: Update 31: Gundabad