March Update Arrives in Lost Ark: Introducing Catch Up Mechanics and the Breaker Class

A red stone statue of an armored warrior with wings stands in a lush forest. Mist shrouds the landscape, and a towering castle looms in the background, surrounded by tall, dense trees.

The world of Lost Ark is set to expand with the arrival of the “Break Through to Thaemine” update, scheduled for deployment on March 20, 2024. This update introduces a variety of new content including the Breaker Advanced Class, additional progression events, and a series of new Story Quests. The game will undergo scheduled downtime from 2 AM PT (9 AM UTC) for approximately four hours to facilitate this update.

New Class: The Breaker

March Update Arrives in Lost Ark: Introducing Catch Up Mechanics and the Breaker Class 1

The Breaker, a new Advanced Class, makes its debut, offering a male counterpart to the existing Scrapper class. This class is characterized by its use of Heavy Gauntlets, agility, and combination moves to deliver significant damage. The introduction of the Breaker comes with a full guide available through the Lost Ark Academy, aimed at helping players familiarize themselves with this new class’s capabilities and strategies.

Updates and Enhancements for the Breaker Include:

  • A new Title and 10 Achievements
  • Additional quests and items for skill unlocks
  • A guide in the Training Room
  • The addition of a new Trophy
  • Recent balance adjustments from the Korean version of the game

Arkesia Tour: Enhancing Player Experience

March Update Arrives in Lost Ark: Introducing Catch Up Mechanics and the Breaker Class 2

The update also introduces the Arkesia Tour, a mechanism designed to assist players in catching up with various aspects of the game, including islands, adventure tomes, and skill points. This feature is aimed at both new and returning players, facilitating their progress towards endgame content, as well as helping existing players complete their collections of rewards. The rewards structure includes a wide array of items, such as Skill Runes, Potions, Emote/Song unlocks, and much more, designed to provide substantial progression benefits.

Light of Destiny: Advancing the Storyline

March Update Arrives in Lost Ark: Introducing Catch Up Mechanics and the Breaker Class 3

A significant part of the update, the Light of Destiny, advances the game’s storyline, leading players closer to discovering the Lost Ark’s location. This narrative development involves new quests, achievements, and the introduction of Praeteria Island, further enriching the game’s lore and exploration opportunities. Players will need to achieve an Item Level of 1520 to access these new quests, initiating their journey with “The Lost Key” quest available in specific cities.

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