New Trading Post Items Now Available in World of Warcraft for March

Two armored feline creatures, one glowing golden-yellow and the other icy white, face each other on a forest path. Both are adorned with detailed battle gear, including helmets, creating a mystical ambiance. A lantern-lit path divides the scene.

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that players of World of Warcraft (WoW) have just a few days left to purchase items available at the Trading Post for February before they’re swapped out for March’s new items.

Gamers who missed out on a “must-have” item need not worry as they can “freeze” an item and purchase it later. When an item is frozen, it remains available month over month until it is bought or replaced. To keep track of their progress, players should open the Adventure Guide (Shift-J) and finish their Traveler’s Log and claim Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn mount before the time runs out.

Gamers who didn’t find what they were looking for can hang on to their Trader’s Tender for the next month’s offerings. The unused Tender will accumulate each month.

Players can exchange Trader’s Tender earned through a variety of in-game activities for mystical, magical items available at the Trading Post. To check out the latest items available, gamers can visit T&W (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.

The available items for February include the Celestial Steed mount, the Garrlok pet, the Swashbuckling Bucaneer’s Slops armor set, the Iridescent Warcloak cloak, the Vagabond’s Rosey Threads and Wanderer’s Rosey Trappings armor sets, the Infiltrator’s and Operative’s Bandolier backpacks, the Rosy Corsage hand, the Fetid Bouquet offhand, the Fury of the Firelord 1-Hand Mace, the Squire’s Etched Warhammer 2-Hand Mace, the Shard of Frozen Secrets dagger, the Azure Scalesworn Longbow bow, and the Shattered Voidspire staff.

In addition to the items at the Trading Post, gamers can complete activities listed in the new Traveler’s Log to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender. Every month features a rotating, themed set of activities that provide the opportunity to earn Tender. Players can also earn a bonus 500 Trader’s Tender by purchasing Dragonflight and adding it to their account.

Blizzard has reminded players that at the start of each month, active players in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically from the Collector’s Cache. If a player doesn’t have an active game time or subscription, they will receive their Tender on the first day of the month when they do have game time or an active subscription.

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  1. So now you’ve resorted to censoring the comments?? Bit pathetic from a ‘news’ website. no wonder no one uses it…

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