New World The Empress of Ebonscale Reach Alpha Update

A new patch called The Empress of Ebonscale Reach has been released on the New World alpha client. The major addition of the patch is the Asian-themed Ebonscale Reach zone, intended for level 51+ players.
Ebonscale Reach is a fertile territory named for the black fungus that grows in abundance there. The area is home to the remnants of a long-forgotten Dynasty who must contend with the demons of their past in the form of a fallen Empress. Here, amid lush wetlands, majestic waterfalls, and stunning architecture, players will counter the atrocities committed by the Empress’s Corrupted forces and the Dragon Magic she has been cultivating for centuries, ultimately exposing her true plan, which reaches far beyond the shores of Aeternum.
A long list of other updates and changes is also being added with the patch, including a new expedition called Garden of Genesis, Outpost Rush, a new 20v20 endgame PvP game mode, main story quest updates, and loads more. See the full list of updates here.