Profane provides roadmap update on Twitter thread

Profane has released an update on its progress through a Twitter thread. The development team stated that they had been occupied with bug fixes and testing, but they were back on track with their roadmap progress.
The first item discussed in the thread was the removal of “Regions” from Early Semisus, with the last item marked as completed. The team explained that specific steps were required to complete the item, such as creating other regions and connecting them so that players could travel between them.

The team then introduced a new card for “Regions” in the roadmap, which included a “World Grid” and a “Handover System” for players to travel between regions. They also added the “Region Generation” item to refer to their robust region-generation system.
The development team then talked about the progress made on the Trading System, which is still in its early stages, and requested input from the community on how the economy should work in the game.
The team also renamed the old “Plants & Seeds” card to “Farming,” which better represents the item’s purpose, and added “Seeds,” “Farm,” “Farm Protection,” and “Growth System” as new listed items.
Additionally, the development team added new cards to the roadmap, including a “Social UI” item for Social, a “Karma System” card, a “Navigation System” card, and a “Customization Shop” card.
Overall, Profane’s development team is making progress, and players can look forward to seeing more updates and improvements. The team is actively seeking feedback from the community, so players can have a say in how the game progresses.