Several Neverwinter Events & Sales This week

A dimly lit scene featuring two red banners with golden bull designs hanging on stone pillars. Nearby, a box with colorful fireworks and baskets is visible. In the background, brick buildings and trees complete the scene.

Sharandar, the latest module for Neverwinter has been delayed until the 16th, but this week there are several events going on which should keep players busy until the release.

First of all is the Feast of Lanterns: Year of the Ox where you can earn an Ox companion and mount, which begins today and lasts until the 18th.

Stronghold Week also begins today with 2x Stronghold Shards, Guild Marks, and Influence along with a 20% Stronghold Sale.

And then there’s the Extra Event which rewards players with 2x seals, 2x legacy campaign currency, 20% off in the tradebar store, and double chances at premium rewards in dungeons.

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