The Elder Scrolls Online: Ascending Tide Will Kick Off the Legacy of the Bretons Saga On March 14th/29th

Zenimax has shared a new post on the Elder Scrolls Online website detailing the upcoming High Isle expansion coming this summer, along with the Ascending Tide DLC that will kick off the Legacy of the Breton storyline.
The DLC will feature two new dungeons, the Coral Aerie and Shipwright’s Regret.
In these exciting new four-player PvE activities, you’re tasked with investigating the remnants of the once-proud All Flags Navy and assaulting a costal hideout of the mysterious Ascendant Order.
The DLC will also feature new achievements, item sets, and collectibles, and will see the return of Jakarn and Captain Za’ji, amongst others. The DLC will be available on March 14th for PC players and March 29th for consoles.
The post also sheds some more light on the High Isle expansion and its features which will include new zones and storyline, the Tales of Tribute card game, new dungeons and trial, new companions, a new type of event called Fissures, and more.
Check out the full post on the official ESO site.