Throne and Liberty Continues Beta Testing in May: NC Invites Players to Shape the Future of TL

Text reads "Throne and Liberty" above a glowing sword, with "Beta Test Announcement" below. The background is dark with faint star-like lights.

Throne and Liberty, the highly anticipated PC MMORPG from NC, is one step closer to its official release with the announcement of its beta testing phase. The developers released a video update on the game’s progress, stating that they wanted to see the game in a new light and were eager to hear feedback from a wide audience.

According to the video, NC has a history of overcoming meaningful challenges with their previous releases and achieving significant success. With this in mind, the developers are working hard to make Throne and Liberty just as captivating as their previous games.

However, there are still concerns regarding whether everything will go as planned and if the game will work out the way they want. This is why NC is inviting players to participate in the next beta testing phase, which will run from May 24th to May 30th.

During the February Feedback and Gameplay Test, NC received invaluable feedback from players, some of which they agreed with, and some they didn’t. This feedback helped the developers improve the game and make it more enjoyable for players.

In the video, the developers emphasized that playing with others is what makes TL even more fun, and they want to invite a lot of players to show how much fun it can be when played together. They believe that their players are the final piece to making TL as fun as possible, which is why they’re inviting players to register for the beta test starting on May 2nd.

It’s important to note that the beta test in May will only be available to players residing in South Korea. NC is encouraging players to apply and not miss out on the chance to invite friends and participate in various events.

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