
World of Warcraft’s Community Council Seeks to Improve Communication Between the Players and the Developers

The image shows the "World of Warcraft" logo above the words "Community Council" on a light background.

The developers of World of Warcraft are putting together a Community Council which will consist of various members from the WoW community. The council is an effort to improve communication between the community and the developers

Players can already apply to be a part of the council, which will let them provide detailed feedback and opinion to the devs. The program will be limited to about 100 players who will get access to a discussion forum that everyone can read but only the council and the developers can participate in.

One of the key goals with this program is to encourage discussion with players from a wide variety of different playstyles. To help ensure this, part of the application process will involve sharing your areas of interest and expertise. Whether it’s cutting-edge raiding, playing alts, completing achievements, accessibility, or collecting transmog, we want to know your perspective and ensure you’re heard. Therefore, after one year in the program, we plan to unflag Council members and open the application again. All WoW players will be free to apply at that point.

Head over to the official forum post for more info or fill out the submission to apply for the council.

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