Albion East's First Six Weeks Show Incredible Growth and Community Engagement - 29M Hours Played 1

Albion East’s First Six Weeks Show Incredible Growth and Community Engagement – 29M Hours Played

The first six weeks since the full launch of Albion East have been nothing short of amazing, with player numbers continuing to surge and the community showing no signs of slowing down. According to recent stats released by the game’s developers, the server is thriving, and the numbers are a testament to the community’s commitment and dedication.

Since the launch, over 11 million PvP kills have been recorded, and over 172 million carrots have been harvested. Additionally, over 8 million rabbits have been killed, and 54 million fish have been caught, which speaks volumes about the server’s active player base. The amount of resources gathered has reached an incredible 5 billion, with 29 million chests opened, and more than 212,000 masterpieces crafted. Players have also trashed over 73 million items.

All of these numbers, coupled with the server’s cumulative playtime of 29 million hours, is a clear indication that the community has taken to Albion East with enthusiasm and dedication. The developers have expressed their gratitude to players for supporting the game and for making the launch such a resounding success.

Albion East has quickly become a thriving and exciting community, and the developers are already looking towards the future. In their latest Dev Talk, they hinted at the upcoming Knightfall content patch, which promises to bring even more excitement and adventure to the game. As the server continues to grow, players can expect even more opportunities for exploration, battles, and adventure in this exciting new world.

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