ArcheAge Announces Server Merge Schedule: Prepare for Changes in August

A fantasy character with elf-like features stands in a vibrant, mystical landscape. She's surrounded by floating announcement papers, each featuring her image in armor. Sunlight filters through the scene, enhancing the magical atmosphere.

The game’s developer, Gamigo, has announced a server merge that will take place on August 17, 2023. The merge will affect both ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained servers, and will result in a new server structure for both versions of the game.

To prepare for the merge, Gamigo has set up a schedule of actions that will take place leading up to the merger. On May 1, 2023, the paid server transfer service will be temporarily disabled. On May 11, 2023, character creation will be restricted on non-main servers marked with R. At the same time, a free server transfer service will be offered for players to move from R servers to M servers early. Fresh start servers marked with FS will continue to operate normally and will not have access to the free transfer service.

On June 29, 2023, the seasonal fresh start servers Dahuta (EU) and Shatigon (NA) will be closed as previously announced. Players are urged to use the free server transfer service to move their characters to a main server as soon as possible. Any characters not transferred from Dahuta and Shatigon will be permanently lost due to the data wipe.

The server merge is scheduled for August 17, 2023. M and R servers will be merged into a new server labeled N, which will be the new main server. Player-owned land in existing M and R servers will be wiped. Gamigo has provided a new server structure for both ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained after the merge, which can be found in their official announcement.

Players have also been given a FAQ to address common questions regarding the server merge. Transfers between ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained will not be possible, and cross-region transfers are also not allowed. Outbound transfers are only available for R servers, while inbound transfers are only available for M servers. Transfers are not available for players on Fresh Start servers.

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