Buy Charity Packs in Neverwinter and Star Trek Online

Perfect World has teamed up with Groupees to support Pop Culture Hero Coalition and United Way Bay Area.
In Neverwinter you will be able to buy the following to pledge your support.
- Tier 1 – $2.00 USD
- Blue Companion Choice Pack: Users will choose between the Cambion Magus and Astral Deva.
- Tier 2 – $10.00 USD – Limited Quantities Available!
- Dragonborn Legend Pack
- Users who purchase this tier will automatically be granted items from Tier 1
And for Star Trek Online;
- Tier 1 – $2.00 USD
- Heroic Risian Caracal Pet
- Heroic Tribble
- Title: Heroic
- Tier 2 – $10.00 USD – Limited Quantities Available!
- Somerville Intel Science Vessel T6
- Batlh Intel Science Vessel T6
- 1 Fleet Module
- Users who purchase this tier will automatically be granted items from Tier 1
Not bad rewards and you get to support charities that help those that have been affected by the pandemic!