EverQuest 2023 Roadmap Reveals Exciting Updates and New Content for Fans of the Classic MMORPG

A fantasy-themed illustration for EverQuest's 2023 Development Roadmap. Features ancient ruins, a ship, a large eye, and a giant wolf's head. The title "EverQuest" is prominently displayed at the top.

In a recent blog post, Daybreak Games announced the return of the EverQuest roadmap for 2023. The company revealed that the positive reaction to last year’s experiment of releasing a roadmap prompted them to bring it back for another year.

In 2022, Daybreak Games accomplished every point on their roadmap, including the launch of the Community Resource Council, 64-bit upgrades to servers and clients, the 23rd anniversary celebration, updated holiday in-game events, new progression servers, new classic achievements, the Heroic Characters update, an impressive response to the Extra Life charity event, and the launch of Night of Shadows.

The 2023 roadmap includes several exciting updates, with January featuring the unlock of Night of Shadows Tier 1 Raids, including Insatiable An Appetite, Pit Fight, and Mean Streets. February will bring new content for Erollisi Day and the unlock of Night of Shadows Tier 2 Raids, including When One Door Closes, Myconid Mutiny, and Dance of the Demiurge.

EverQuest 2023 Roadmap Reveals Exciting Updates and New Content for Fans of the Classic MMORPG 1

March will see the unlock of Night of Shadows Tier 3 Raids, as well as new content for Brew Day and the 24th anniversary celebration with new quests and a mission. April will feature the initial launch of a new UI engine, with more windows to be ported in the future.

May will bring new content for the Tempest Festival and a new progression server with a yet-to-be-announced ruleset. June will feature new Pride Month Familiars, and July will see a server merge of Coirnav to Vox. August will bring new content for Stone Cold Summer.

October will feature the beta and pre-order for 2023’s expansion, as well as a DirectX 11 API port. November will include the Extra Life Game Day charity event and new content for Feast of Giving. December will feature new content for Frostfell and the launch of 2023’s expansion, which is EverQuest’s 30th expansion.

Throughout the year, Daybreak Games will also work on porting more windows to the new UI engine, zone performance improvements, and a Guild Tradeskill Depot, with a release date to be announced in 2023.

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