Everquest’s 28th Expansion Terror of Luclin is Now Live

A fantasy scene with a robed figure in the center conjuring glowing blue flames, surrounded by shadowy, horned creatures. Four armored figures with horns and weapons observe from a distance, all set against a vibrant, ornate magenta backdrop.

Everquest is now well over the two-decade mark and has today released its 28th expansion, Terror of Luclin.

The expansion sends players back to the moon of Luclin that was first introduced back in 2001 in EQ’s third expansion titled Shadows of Luclin.

The shadows cast by the light of Luclin have been whispering of intrigues. The Akheva are on the move, striving to reassert their power and rebuild their moon-wide empire. Amidst the turmoil of their actions, rumors abound. Mayong Mistmoore has been seen on Luclin. The only known truth is that the master vampire has since disappeared into the shadows and even his devoted followers and sycophants have begun to worry.

Clearly something is stirring on the moon of Luclin. What secrets or magical power was the Lord of Mistmoore seeking? Is he trying to usurp another god? Do you have the strength to peer behind the shades and track down the vampire lord to prevent whatever evil he is plotting?

The expansion will add 7 new zones with new quests, missions, raids, spells, and abilities. The level cap is also being increased to 120.

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