Gloria Victis Shares New Updates: Guild Castles, New Boss Locations and Enhanced Building System

A chaotic battle scene from a video game, showing a group of armored warriors engaged in combat near a stone gate. The environment is dark with visible on-screen text and various game HUD elements.

In a recent update from the official Gloria Victis site, the developers have provided a deep dive into the workings of Guild Castles, State of War, and an insight into the game’s roadmap, notably including a new system of controlling and owning a national location by a guild.

The announcement states that despite a delay in the game’s update, the team at Gloria Victis has shared significant details regarding the Guild Castles. There are new updates related to resource gathering rebalance, new locations for Bosses, and the feature “carrying objects”, which will be used in structure building and repairing. A comprehensive overview of the End of the Glory Season was also provided.

Gloria Victis Shares New Updates: Guild Castles, New Boss Locations and Enhanced Building System 1

The upcoming Glory season, set to start on June 15, marks the end of the current season on June 14. The last day of the season is dedicated to closing off the season, with no earning or losing of Nation Points, and scoreboards for Glory and Arena will be frozen. The Guild Points will count from 0 once the new season begins.

The merging of servers will also coincide with the start of the new glory season. Specifically, Wolfield and Wolfield 2 will merge into one server, while Holmirdge servers will also consolidate into a single server. For newer players, Glory is a season-based ranking that incentivizes activity in the faction vs faction vs faction PVP. Rewards for top players include unique titles and gold.

In the Guild Castles’ update, the Gloria Victis team acknowledged that free building at guild castle locations had not functioned as intended. The new system aims to make the guild locations more accessible, allowing guilds to display their greatness and build without restrictions.

Additionally, guild castles, previously treated as nation castles, will now truly belong to the guilds. The defending guilds, rather than the nation, are solely responsible for the castle, bringing a sense of ownership and pride. Each guild deserves its own castle, its place for ideas, mistakes, triumphs, and consequences.

Further details were given on the Guild Isles, which can be purchased with in-game gold. They come with settings to adjust according to each guild’s needs and desires. The benefits of owning a guild castle include Guild technology, workshops, regular Siege Times, Taxes, and Free Building. Guild castles also offer no practical benefits, with castles providing practical benefits as well.

In the realm of national locations, guild castles will not hold resources or farmland. Players will need to gather resources from the open world or make money to build, maintain, and run the castle.

Lastly, the Work in Progress insight shares the changes in the distribution of world Bosses. The old beasts and giants, dropping end-game resources, will be moved to the loot zone from the safe and non-loot zones. This change is part of the resource-gathering rebalance, moving end-game resources to the loot zone and dedicated raids. Building construction and repair system is another feature in progress, utilizing the carrying items mechanism to bring a more immersive approach to castle building.

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