Lost Ark Hits 530K Concurrent Players On Steam: Opens Up New Server To Deal With Demand

Lost Ark, the much anticipated Korean MMORPG from Smilegate, has hit 530K concurrent players on Steam during its first day in early access.
Lost Ark’s 24hr peak is only beat by Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and DOTA 2. On Twitch the title reached viewer numbers passing 1.2M. To deal with the impressive number of players, and the increased demand, Lost Ark has opened up a new server in the NA West region called Akkan.
The full launch of Lost Ark happens on Friday, and only time will tell what numbers the MMO can reach over the weekend.
It will also be interesting to see if Lost Arks player numbers will follow in the footsteps of Amazon Games’ New World release which started at an impressive 900K at launch but has for the last couple of days dropped to less than 50K concurrent player peaks.
Lost Ark was very popular when it was released, it’s still very popular now, I’m playing it too, it’s really fun. So I opted to buy a lot of cheap Lost Ark Gold from MMOWTS to help me level up faster.