New World Rolls Back European Servers After Giving Out Huge Tax Refunds

A group of adventurers in medieval clothing walk through a rustic village with wooden buildings. A large stone statue and a few lit torches are visible. The sky is overcast, adding a dramatic atmosphere to the scene.

Since the launch of New World players have called for rollbacks several times after losing huge amounts of gold due to bugs, but the requests have fallen on deaf ears every time. This time around when the tables had turned and the players had received too much gold, Amazon Games were quick to pull the trigger on a rollback.

Players on the European servers who received tax compensations as a result of the gold duping exploits that have been running rampant in the game lately noticed that they were receiving excessive amounts of gold.

Two hours into the spending spree that followed, Amazon Games took down the servers and rolled back the servers to before the compensation.

The rollback resulted in a whole new problem in which players who had made a server transfer became stuck.

A full announcement on the rollback can be found on the New World forums.

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