How to Get the Character Name You Want at the Launch of New World

The release of New World is nearly upon us. You can already start preloading New World on Steam, and if it is important to you to get the perfect character name you might want to be ready as Amazon Game Studios has confirmed that names in New World are global (for the time being at least) and account locked, meaning if someone gets your name before you, you will have to pick something else.
Names will be still be locked to your account after the character is deleted for a short while, so the best way to go about getting the name you want might be to create a character on any available server, then delete the character once you can get into your chosen server and make a new character.
Company names will also be global but not locked to accounts.
See you all in Aeternum, and remember to check out our New World giveaway for a chance at winning a copy of the game!