Pantheon Pre-Alpha 5 SHakeout Preview Shows Character Creation and Early Gameplay

Login screen for the game "Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen." Features a high-fantasy theme with a warrior woman in armor and a fur-lined cape, standing in a snowy landscape. The username and password fields are centered on the screen.

The team at Visionary Realms recently shared a pre-alpha 5 Shakeout preview of some of the early gameplay in Pantheon.

The pre-alpha 5 shakeout event will be available to certain high-tier pledgers.

The video quickly shows how character creation works in Pantheon, and then moves on to some early gameplay while the devs talk about questing, classes, combat and various range of topics.

The area for the Shakeout is Thronefast, but a greyboxed version, meaning it’s missing a lot of elements and textures. It’s simply meant to give players a feel for the Thronefast area.

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