SWTOR Reveals Game Update 7.3 “Old Wounds” New Bosses, PvP Changes, and Rewards + May 4th Rewards

A digital artwork of a character holding a purple lightsaber, dressed in a futuristic and glowing outfit, is displayed in a metallic frame with sci-fi details. The character poses dynamically against a red background.

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) players were treated to a Livestream update on Game Update 7.3 “Old Wounds” on May 4, 2023. The Livestream provided gamers with an in-depth look at the upcoming update, including new narrative elements, new flashpoints, and PvP changes.

The Livestream began with a code, LotsSahar, which would give players a Sa’har Stronghold decoration, redeemable only until May 18, 2023. SWTOR Narrative Director, Ashley Ruhl, and Lead Writer, Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, discussed the new Old Wounds storyline and the story of the “Shrine of Silence” flashpoint. Players will be returning to Voss and explore a new area called the Interpreter’s Retreat. The flashpoint will have two bosses, the Corrupted Vorantikus and The Curse.

Encounter Designer, Daniel Cefaratti, talked about the Corrupted Vorantikus, the first boss in the Shrine of Silence. Encounter Designer, Victoria McCreary, and Community Manager, Jackie Ko revealed the final boss, The Curse, a concept art of which was shown during the Livestream.

Lead Game Producer, Eric Musco, and Gameplay Designer, Shabir Dhillon, talked about the PvP changes that are coming in Game Update 7.3. The Livestream showed off the Sandstorm Soldier Armor Set, which players can earn through the game’s PvP system.

System Designer, Joe Stramaglia, talked about the credit economy initiative, which would include new taxes, additional features on the GTN, and a new commodity order system.

Finally, players got a sneak peek at the new 7.3 Cartel Market items and rewards that can be obtained during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event, which include the Hermit’s Vigil (an Obi-Wan inspired blaster), the CP-2 Bryar Pistol (a Cassian inspired blaster), and the High Roller Skiff Mount.

The SWTOR team announced that players would be able to jump into the Public Test Server in the coming days to experience new 7.3 content. Fans can check out the PTS sub-forums for more information on how to access the server.

In other SWTOR news, Star Wars: The Old Republic is celebrating May the 4th by giving away a free mini-pet – the green BX-23 droid. Simply log in between May 4th and May 18th to claim it. Plus, enjoy a 50% off Collection Unlock sale and Double XP Event during the same period. May the Force be with you!

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