No More Reputation Requirements For Allied Races in Shadowlands

No More Reputation Requirements For Allied Races in Shadowlands

Just as I was contemplating starting to grind out faction rep to unlock some allied races in WoW retail, the news of no more repuation requirements dropped, and I will be holding off the grind. Come Shadowlands and these requirements will be gone and unlocking the Allied Races will be a bit easier. This info…

WoW News

Shadowlands Alpha Information – Models, Armor, Dungeons, Class Info and More

Vast amounts of information has been datamined from the Shadowlands alpha, and has been shared on WoWHead, MMO-Champion and other WoW sites. Below we have gathered the different Shadowlands Alpha posts. General Shadowlands Dungeon & Raid Bosses Shadowlands Music Shadowlands Profession Changes Shadowlands Maps Shadowlands New Icons Models Shadowlands Creature and Weapon Models Shadowlands Armor…

most nostalgic vanilla videos
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The 10 Most Nostalgia Inducing Vanilla WoW Videos

Have endless hours of grinding and min-maxing made you lose those rose-tinted glasses you were sporting at the release of Classic WoW? Well, maybe some old-school WoW videos from the annals of the internet can bring back some memories of why you enjoyed the game in the first place. Below we have made a top…

Covenant CLass and Signature Abilities

Shadowlands: Covenant Class and Signature Abilities Previewed

Blizzard recently shared a post that takes a closer look at the various Covenant Class and Signature Abilities in Shadowlands. The covenants are described as being the four ruling powers of the Shadowlands, which players will have to pick from and dedicate themselves to one of the covenants. Kyrians: The denizens of Bastion, these angelic beings…

wow classic news

Warcraft Devs Will Give Relief to High Queues on WoW Classic

In a recent tweet the Warcraft devs have promised to bring some much needed relief to the queues on many of the high population servers both in North America and in Europe. Some servers are seeing hour long queues over half a year after the initial release of classic, which certainly is impressive for a…