The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025

A person sits at a large multi-monitor computer setup, engaging in multiboxing for MMOs. Monitors display various game screens and desktop elements. A cat is resting on the desk. "Multiboxing MMOs" text overlays the image.

Multiboxing in MMORPGs, or playing multiple accounts simultaneously on a single computer, has become popular for players looking to maximize their in-game experience and progress.

However, not all MMORPGs are equally suitable for multiboxing, and some may even prohibit the practice outright.

Blizzard, the developer of the famous MMORPG World of Warcraft, has taken a strong stance against the use of third-party programs for multiboxing. The company has implemented strict anti-multiboxing measures, including the use of software detection and bans for players found to be using third-party programs.

As a result, multiboxing in World of Warcraft has become almost impossible, as these programs are necessary for running multiple accounts simultaneously. This has caused frustration among some players who enjoyed the multiboxing experience. Still, it has also helped to level the playing field and prevent players from gaining an unfair advantage.

In this article, we will explore the best MMOs for multiboxing and the benefits and drawbacks of this method of gameplay.

9. Anarchy Online

  • Developer: Funcom
  • Release Date: June 27, 2001
  • Platforms: PC
  • For fans of Old School MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 1
Anarchy Online is an old-school classic that can be multiboxed.

This sci-fi MMORPG is another excellent choice for multiboxing, offering a large and open game world with various activities for players to participate in.

Anarchy Online is set in a distant future where players can become adventurers, traders, or even politicians. The game features a unique classless character development system, where players can acquire new abilities and items to suit their playstyle.

8. ArcheAge

  • Developer: XLGames
  • Release Date: January 15, 2013
  • Platforms: PC
  • For fans of Korean MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 2
Make your own army in ArcheAge.

This fantasy-themed MMORPG is known for its sandbox-style gameplay and is a great option for multiboxers looking for a more open and free-form gaming experience.

ArcheAge is a game where players can choose to engage in player-versus-player combat, trade, piracy, and even farming, making it a great game for multiboxers looking for a more varied experience.

ISBoxer works with ArcheAge.

7. Final Fantasy XIV

  • Developer: Square Enix
  • Release Date: September 30, 2010
  • Platforms: PC, Mac
  • For fans of Anime MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 3
FFXIV is a great game, also for multiboxing.

This fantasy MMORPG is known for its beautiful graphics and engaging story, making it an excellent choice for multiboxers looking for a more immersive and cinematic experience.

Final Fantasy XIV is set in the world of Eorzea, where players can choose from a wide range of classes and jobs, each with unique abilities and playstyles.

The game features a deep and engaging story, as well as a variety of activities, such as raids, dungeons, and player-vs-player combat.

ISBoxer works with Final Fantasy XIV.

6. The Lord of the Rings Online

  • Developer: Standing Stone Games
  • Release Date: April 24, 2007
  • Platforms: PC, Mac
  • For fans of The Lord of the Rings, Classic Fantasy
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 4
Why play one character in LOTRO when you can play two (or three or four or five).

Based on J.R.R Tolkien’s classic novels, this MMORPG offers a detailed and immersive world for multiboxers to explore and conquer.

The Lord of the Rings Online is set in the Middle-earth, where players can create their own characters and embark on quests and adventures, fighting against the forces of darkness alongside other players.

The game features a wide range of classes, races, and skills to choose from, allowing players to create characters that suit their playstyle and preferences.

LOTRO works with ISBoxer.

5. Rift

  • Developer: Trion Worlds
  • Release Date: March 1, 2011
  • Platforms: PC
  • For fans of Old-School MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 5
Rift is a great game for multiboxing.

This fantasy MMORPG features a dynamic and ever-changing game world, making it an exciting and challenging option for multiboxers looking for a new and unique experience. Rift is known for its dynamic and epic battles between the players and enemies, called Rifts.

Rift’s combat system is pretty simple tab-targeting making it easy to control multiple characters at once. Multiboxers can also use ISBoxer to make the process even easier.

4. EVE Online

  • Developer: CCP Games
  • Release Date: May 6, 2003
  • Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux
  • For fans of Sci-Fi MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 6
EVE Online is very complex and multiboxing makes it even more so.

This space-based MMO is popular among multiboxers for its complex and open-ended gameplay, allowing players to control multiple ships simultaneously for maximum efficiency in combat and exploration.

EVE Online is known for its player-driven economy and political systems, allowing players to create and join player-run corporations, engage in trade and industry, and even participate in player-driven wars.

3. Old School Runescape

  • Developer: Jagex
  • Release Date: February 22, 2013
  • Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
  • For fans of Old-School MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 7
Softeware for multiboxing in OSRS is avialble but is also bannable.

This nostalgia-inducing MMORPG offers a great multiboxing experience with its retro graphics and simple mechanics, making it an excellent choice for those looking to relive the glory days of online gaming.

Since OSRS can be played semi-AFK or on a mobile device, it is easy to do certain activities on more than one client or device. Using software for multiboxing is not allowed in OSRS, though.

2. EverQuest 2

  • Developer: Daybreak Game Company
  • Release Date: November 8, 2004
  • Platforms: PC
  • For fans of EverQuest
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 8
Multiboxing is pretty easy to set up in EQ2.

The sequel to EverQuest is also well-suited for multiboxing. Like its predecessor, EverQuest 2 lacks strict anti-multiboxing measures, allowing players to easily control multiple characters.

The game also features a Mercenary system that makes it easier to control multiple characters simultaneously. With this system, players can rent NPC mercenaries who can take the place of a player character in group activities.

ISBoxer also works with EverQuest 2.

1. EverQuest

  • Developer: Daybreak Game Company
  • Release Date: March 16, 1999
  • Platforms: PC
  • For fans of Old-School MMOs
The 9 Best MMOs for Dualboxing and Multiboxing in 2025 9
EverQuest, being an older game can run many clients without straining your PC too much.

This classic MMORPG is considered one of the best games for multiboxing due to its simple mechanics and lack of strict anti-multiboxing measures. Players can easily control multiple characters at once, making it an excellent choice for those just starting out with multiboxing.

Players can also hire Mercenaries, NPC characters that can fill any role in a group much like a real player, meaning you only have to three box to have a full group.

There are several tools like MacroQuest and ISBoxer that makes multiboxing easier in EverQuest.

In conclusion, multiboxing in MMORPGs can be a great way for players to maximize their in-game experience and progress. The previous games are some of the best options for multiboxers.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that multiboxing may be prohibited by some games and can also be considered cheating by others. It’s important to check the game’s terms of service before attempting to multibox.

Do you have any experience with Multiboxing? Tell us your story! We’d love to hear it. Happy Multiboxing!

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