Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's Creative Director Reveals Upcoming Plans in First Live Stream of 2023 1

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen’s Creative Director Reveals Upcoming Plans in First Live Stream of 2023

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen’s Creative Director, Chris “Joppa” Perkins, recently held the game’s first live stream of 2023, where he discussed the upcoming plans for the game with Minus and Roenick. The stream began with an update on the new monthly pre-alpha tests, which will not feature character wipes between tests, confirmed Perkins.

Moving on to the game’s roadmap, Perkins highlighted that the team has been focusing on networking and the goal is to make the overland zones seamless without zonelines. Additionally, the team is working on improving social features and the technology behind them, including chat functions, guild features, and the looking for group tool.

Crafting and gathering also received a significant amount of attention, with improvements made to gathering nodes, tools, and animations to make the process more enjoyable. The crafting system has also undergone a lot of work and will be showcased in a future livestream.

The art team expanded significantly during the past year and is working closely with the rest of the development team to create the game’s unique visual aesthetic. One of the areas that the art team is currently focused on is the Silent Plains, a massive open zone that will connect much of the world of Terminus. The wind will be an important aspect and theme of the zone.

Perkins also discussed the progress made on character art and player models. Human models have been updated with new animations and much of the placeholder animations in the game will be replaced with finished animations. After the human models are completed, the Dark Myr will be the next focus.

The stream ended with a new piece of lore from Lead Writer JN Gerhar and a glimpse of some in-game footage and art. See the whole stream below.

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