New Region “Land of the Morning Light” Previewed in New Video for Black Desert Online

The Land of the Morning Light, has been unveiled through a captivating video preview. Inspired by Korean culture and folklore, this eagerly anticipated addition to the game promises to immerse players in a world filled with mystery and adventure.
The Land of the Morning Light beckons players to uncover its hidden secrets and embrace the darkness that lurks within.
Once the Land of the Morning Light is opened, players will be able to travel effortlessly to this captivating region. The Magnus will provide a convenient means of transportation, allowing players to explore the wonders that await them without any hindrances.
One of the most sought-after features in Black Desert Online is the convenience of having all regions’ storage in one place. The Magnus will offer storage integration, enabling players to access their belongings from any corner of the Land of the Morning Light. No more worrying about scattered inventories or misplaced items!
For players seeking powerful gear upgrades, the Land of the Morning Light will provide an opportunity to obtain PEN (V) Gear. These top-tier items will offer significant boosts to players’ abilities, allowing them to face formidable challenges with confidence.
As players delve deeper into the Land of the Morning Light, they will gain enlightenment within the Magnus and unlock new skills.
The Magnus questline will not only provide a thrilling narrative but also offer players a wealth of rewards. Engage in the questline and unlock numerous treasures, further enhancing your adventure in the Land of the Morning Light. Brace yourself for a journey filled with excitement and bountiful prizes!
To ensure players are well-prepared for their journey to the Land of the Morning Light, Pearl Abyss has announced several upcoming events. Scheduled for release on May 24, the Magnus prerequisite quests will set the stage for the grand adventure that awaits. Additionally, starting on May 17, players can activate the Magnus to obtain extra rewards, with a chance to acquire the adorable pet Haetae.
To celebrate the upcoming release of the Land of the Morning Light, players can claim three incredible boons for 21 days simply by logging in. These boons, along with the Tier 1 Haetae pet, can be obtained by using the coupon code “JUNE-MORN-INGL-IGHT” until May 31, 2023, at 23:59 UTC. Make sure not to miss out on these limited-time rewards!