The Kakao Games Takeover of ArcheAge is Complete and the Snowfang Isle Event is Also Live

A fantasy-themed poster for the game ArcheAge. It features a mystical woman in ceremonial attire, casting a spell. She stands against an ornate backdrop of a city with domed buildings, under a sunset sky. The game's logo is on the left.

ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained have officially switched publishers and are now operating under the Kakao Games banner.

A few early hiccups aside and it looks like the change has gone down relatively smoothly. A few minor issues are affecting parts of the player base but the devs and support staff are aware of the various issues and working to implement fixes.

ArcheAge’s first event since the switch is also live. Players can now return to Snowfang Isle and participate in the event to earn Snowflower Village Coins that can be spent on various rewards.

More information about the event can be found on the ArcheAge site.

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