War of Dragnorox announces new class updates and upcoming video series 1

War of Dragnorox announces new class updates and upcoming video series

War of Dragnorox has just announced its latest update for the month of February. According to Josh Caba, the Creative Director, the team has made significant progress over the past month, with the Chloromancer and Bombardier classes now in their final alpha testing states. The other classes are also in the works and nearing completion, with a goal to wrap them up within the next month or two.

Aside from the class updates, the team is also making progress on AI work and other components within the game. While they are not quite ready to show it all off, the team is excited to share more with players in the coming months.

To give players a more in-depth look at the game, the team plans to release an 8-part video series in about 3-4 months. The series will cover everything about WoD, including gameplay demos, world exploration, design, and a full reveal of the Dungeon Master role within the game.

Players can subscribe to the War of Dragnorox YouTube channel to be the first to see the video series when it launches. With the promise of more updates in the future, players can continue to look forward to the exciting developments in War of Dragnorox.

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