Get Ready for the New World Brimstone Sands Update, Coming October 18th.

Promotional image for "New World: Brimstone Sands" shows a dramatic scene split between a fiery Roman-inspired landscape and a mystical Egyptian-inspired setting, with a central character in mixed armor and a glowing pyramid.

The New World Brimstone Sands expansion is set to be released on October 18, and player numbers are already on the rise. In anticipation of the expansion, player numbers have been increasing again, reaching almost 50K peaks on Steam. To prepare for the influx of players, Amazon is already adding new servers to the game.

The expansion will introduce a huge new zone inspired by Ancient Egypt, as well as new quests and expeditions, leveling changes, a new-player experience, and the Greatsword weapon type.

In order to help players catch up, New World is running a 1.5X XP Event from October 5 through October 17. New and returning players will be able to take advantage of the event to level up their characters.

Get Ready for the New World Brimstone Sands Update, Coming October 18th. 1

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