New World Apologize for Recent Bugs in New Dev Blog and Share Their Visions for Endgame PvP 1

New World Apologize for Recent Bugs in New Dev Blog and Share Their Visions for Endgame PvP

New World’s last couple of weeks sure have been a bumpy ride, despite the game’s initial success. It seems like new bugs have been appearing almost daily while Steam player numbers are taking a tumble.

In a recent Dev Blog on the New World forums developer Zin_Ramu apologize for some of the recent troubles in regards to War and PvP.

Before we dive in I want to apologize for all the issues we’ve seen in War so far, and thank you for your patience as we work to resolve them. I know there have been some serious lag issues in War and a number of exploits (including the invulnerability exploits) that have marred your experience. We’ve made an initial set of changes to address some of the issues, and are working on some higher impact changes that need more testing. It is a top priority for the team to get war to a stable, performant state where the skill and coordination of the best team determines the outcome.

The post goes on to explain the team’s visions for Open World PvP, War, and Territory Control.

We want to create a game where PvE and PvP not only co-exist but support each other. We also want “wars not ganks”— meaning we want to support meaningful PvP in War and the open world conflict between the three Factions.

For the full update, head over to the official New World forums.

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