Lost Ark Announces Upcoming Region Merge and Character Name Update for June 2024
The development team behind Lost Ark has released details regarding a forthcoming region merge and a name change for a key character, scheduled for June 2024.
The developers have announced that as part of their efforts to consolidate players into a more unified space, the South American servers will be merged into North America East starting June 5, 2024. This initiative aims to create a more cohesive community within the game.
While the merger of South America with North America East is confirmed, the team has encountered technical challenges with merging NA West, which have delayed any potential consolidation. These challenges mainly relate to maintaining low latency and ensuring a satisfactory gaming experience. As a result, the merger involving NA West will not proceed as initially planned for Summer 2024, and the timeline for this merge remains uncertain. Further updates on this issue are expected as solutions are explored.
In response to both internal reviews and community feedback, the name of the character originally introduced as Ladon will be changed to Echidna. This update will be applied in time for her role in the first Kazeros Raid, also set for release in June 2024. The change aims to better reflect the character’s attributes and backstory, which align more closely with the mythological figure Echidna.
Although most in-game references to this character will be updated, certain previously released materials, like part of the 2024 Roadmap video content, will still feature the old name due to the timeline of their production.