New World: “Blood of the Sands” Season 2 Pass Preview Unveiled

Three armored figures stand in battle-ready poses in an ancient arena. The central figure wields a sword, flanked by two others with weapons. Sun rays and dynamic lighting emphasize the action, with a grand structure in the background.

Amazon Games has shared more info about the latest season pass for their popular MMORPG, New World in the latest Forged in Aeternum video series. Dubbed “Blood of the Sands,” the Season 2 pass promises a host of fresh, sand wurm themed content for adventurers to delve into.

The upcoming season pass will offer two reward tracks—free and premium—each with a hundred tiers of unlockable rewards. This includes new features like Transmog Tokens and enticing cosmetics such as the Dry-Blood Armor Set. The pass will also incorporate exciting emotes like the Worm Dance, bringing a lighthearted element to the high-stakes world of Aeternum.

System Designer Joel Clift shared insights into the reward selection process, saying, “We use feedback and data from previous seasons to update our rewards and improve their quality. The Pocket Sand emote is a thematically appropriate and hilarious example.” He added that the team also considered the new content being added to the game. For example, the addition of chests with chitin-themed rewards complements the release of the sand wurm.

For Season 2, the team aims to offer more fixed rewards to eliminate the frustrations brought by randomness. In response to player feedback, furniture chests have been updated so that the free reward track offers static furniture pieces, and the premium track offers schematics for those same pieces.

Game Designer Patrick Smedley expressed excitement for the Worm Dance emote and the Transmog tokens. “I’m a player who enjoys collecting cosmetics, and the Season Pass gives me a wide variety to collect over the course of a season,” he said. In terms of the season’s inspiration, the team envisioned the “fantasy of a desert wanderer,” with skin concepts and emotes reflecting this narrative.

Amazon Games remains committed to incorporating player feedback into the game’s development. Smedley emphasized, “Player feedback on the Season 1 Pass directly impacted the development of the Season 2 Pass, and we learned some great lessons.”

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