New World Disables Wealth Transfer Between Players to Work on Fixing Gold Dupe 1

New World Disables Wealth Transfer Between Players to Work on Fixing Gold Dupe

Last week it was the invulnerability bug, the Trading Post not working and the chat having all kinds of trouble, this week there is another gold dupe running rampant in New World.

All types of wealth transfer between players, including the Trading Post, have been disabled while the devs work to fix the issue. A patch will be deployed as soon as the bug has been worked out.

Hi all,

We are aware of a possible gold duplication exploit that has been circling and we are temporarily disabling all forms of wealth transfer between players (ie. sending currency, guild treasury, trading post, player to player trading).

Any player that has engaged in the use of this exploit will be actioned against.

Once the gold duplication exploit has been investigated and we are ready to turn on wealth transfer again, we will update this post.

Thank you for your understanding.

Luxendra, Community Manager on the New World Forums

Along with the recent bugs, player numbers have been dropping from 900k peaks on Steam down to 400k peaks and below, which certainly raises questions on whether New World should have stayed in Beta for while longer to hammer out some of these quite major bugs.

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