The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 1
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The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024

Do you love intense, fast-paced combat and have the itch to pick up a new MMO? If so, then you’ll love these Action Combat MMORPGs! These games are some of the most exciting and action-packed MMOs out there.

They require quick reflexes and strategic thinking in order to survive. In Action Combat MMORPGs, players need to be constantly on the move and attacking their opponents. There is very little time for standing around and casting spells or waiting for cooldowns.

While none of these games could give Dark Souls a run for its money, their combat system proposes a different challenge than the traditional tab-targeting MMO combat.

Our list features everything from action-filled PvP-focused titles to dungeon crawlers.

You’ll have to carefully aim your attacks, move out of harm’s way, and dodge like there’s no tomorrow. If this sounds like fun, all you need to do is to pick one of the following games.

In Development

There are some great-looking action combat MMOs currently in development.

Chrono Odyssey

  • Developer: Chrono Studio
  • Release Date: 2025 (Rumored)
  • Platform: PC, PlayStation, Xbox
  • For fans of Korean MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 2

Chrono Odyssey is an upcoming MMO that promises to redefine the boundaries of time and space within the genre. Set in a sprawling universe where multiple timelines and dimensions intersect, Chrono Odyssey will attempt to offer players an epic narrative filled with grand explorations and mysteries.

From what we have seen so far, Chrono Odyssey will have an emphasis on fast-paced fluid combat.

The game looks great as well with detailed character animations, making combat look engaging and brutal.

ArcheAge 2

  • Developer: XL Games
  • Release Date: TBA
  • Platform: PC, PlayStation, Xbox
  • For fans of Sandbox MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 3

ArcheAge 2 is the upcoming sequel to the original ArcheAge, set to expand on the elements that defined its predecessor.

The combat system in ArcheAge 2 aims for fluidity and engagement, incorporating both action-oriented skills and strategic planning.

Eternal Tombs

  • Developer: Triune Studios
  • Release Date: TBA
  • Platform: PC, PlayStation, Xbox
  • For fans of Tabletop RPGs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 4

Eternal Tombs is an MMORPG that stands out through its innovative use of live staff known as Tomb Masters, who actively shape the gameplay experience by manipulating events and altering the game world in real time.

The game features an action combat system that requires players to strategically use their class abilities in battles. Classes like the Chloromancer and Warlord utilize the environment and crafted items to unleash powerful attacks and defenses.


  • Developer: Digital Extremes
  • Platform: PC
  • Release Date: TBA
  • For fans of Warframe
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 5

Soulframe is an upcoming fantasy MMORPG from the creators of Warframe, poised to offer a distinctively slower, more deliberate combat experience compared to its predecessor.

Soulframe is designed to let players think deeply about every action, incorporating mechanics such as dodging, parrying, and using the terrain to their advantage. The combat system includes unique features like weapon throwing with boomerang effects and the ability to summon and ride creatures.

The game also introduces interactive elements with the environment, such as playing music on a panpipe to unlock echoes of the past, providing insights into the lore and opening new pathways in the game world.

Available Now

14. Bless Unleashed

  • Developer: Neowiz Games, Round 8 Studio
  • Release Date: 2020
  • Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
  • For Fans of Korean MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 6

This MMORPG’s journey was bumpy, to put it mildly. Ten long years passed since Bless was first announced until the day players could finally get their hands on it.

The final product, Bless Unleashed, brings superb visuals and fun action combat that reminds us of single-player action games.

In addition to dodging, jumping, getting out of the way, and watching where you stand, Bless Unleashed uses a combo system that allows players to perform attacks and evade incoming damage.

If you want to take the action one step further, try playing with a gamepad. Bless Unleashed is also a console MMORPG.

13. Age of Conan

The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 7

By today’s standards, AoC’s combat system might not seem like anything special. But back in 2008, the mix of traditional tab targeting and action combat was fresh and exciting.

Age of Conan sets you loose in the brutal world of Hyboria. The combat system combines directional attacks with spells and abilities.

Mounted combat is also possible.

12. Continent of the Ninth Seal

  • Developer: VALOFE, WEBZEN
  • Release Date: 2012
  • Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
  • For Fans of Korean MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 8

C9 is that kind of MMO that doesn’t show its true appeal before max level. That’s the case with the combat system. It’s action-based, fast-paced, fun, and fluid…but not at lower levels.

Once you unlock all your character’s skills and potential, combat becomes one of the best things about this game.

Some say that mastering C9 combat is an ongoing process. You always have new things to learn and tricks to pick up.

C9 encourages players to create combos and find unique ways to get rid of their enemies. The combat system works great with a gamepad.

11. Phantasy Star Online 2

  • Developer: Sega
  • Release Date: 2020
  • Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox, Android, iOS
  • For Fans of Anime MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 9

Phantasy Star Online 2 has one of the most unique MMO combat systems. It’s action-based and requires perfect timing. Players can increase the efficiency of their attacks with timed abilities.

Combat has rhythm and flow. Combos require precise timing, not just mashing buttons.

PSO2 New Genesis is a significant update of the original game, one so major that it makes PSO2NG a different game with a different combat system.

Players agree that PSO2NG’s combat is more like the traditional MMO system, however, it’s polished and fun.

10. New World

The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 10

New World, the most touted MMORPG of 2021, has skill-based action combat. The beauty of this system is that you don’t BIS gear to prove dominance on the battlefield.

The equipment helps, but knowing when to hit, where to stand, and when to move go a very long way when fighting on the island of Aeternum. Strikes from behind do more damage than direct hits.

In New World, players will use a combination of firearms and melee weapons to take down their enemies. They’ll also have access to a variety of special abilities that can be used in combat.

There’s even a PvP combat technique that allows players to trick their opponents into wasting key attacks. Weapons have normal and heavy attacks.

9. Lost Ark

  • Developer: Smilegate
  • Release Date: 2022
  • Platform: PC
  • For Fans of ARPGS, Diablo, Path of Exile, Isometric MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 11

Lost Ark is an ARPG-Inspired MMO for fans of games like Diablo or Path of Exile. The game is set in a fantasy world and has players taking on one of the game’s five classes and numerous subclasses.

Lost Ark features a variety of PvE and PvP content, as well as an extensive system for character progression.

8. Tera

  • Developer: Krafton
  • Release Date: 2012
  • Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
  • For Fans of Korean MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 12
The official Tera servers are no more

Sadly, the official Tera PC servers were shut down in 2022, but since it was such a pioneer in the action combat MMO space, we chose to leave it on our list. You can still play the game on consoles and through private servers.

Tera came out in 2011 bringing something new to the MMO world. The game is regarded as one of the few MMORPGs that have “true” action-based combat. It has become the game’s best-known and most-commended feature.

Just like in first-person or third-person shooters, Tera players have to aim the attack toward the enemy.

They can move out, dodge, and block to avoid damage. Constant movement and positioning are important as players can block frontal attacks but are vulnerable to side or back hits. Monsters have certain tells that warn players when devastating attacks will occur.

Tera’s combat has become a standard for MMO action combat.

7. Vindictus

  • Developer: Nexon
  • Release Date: 2010
  • Platform: PC
  • For Fans of Korean MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 13

Vindictus is already a veteran MMO. It came out in 2010, but its action combat has stood the test of time.

If there’s one MMO whose combat can be compared to Dark Souls, it’s Vindictus. Now, don’t be discouraged if you are a casual player. While there are bosses that can dispatch you with just a few hits, not all fights bring the ultimate challenge.

You will have to manage stamina carefully, aim attacks, time abilities, and make use of combos to defeat the enemy. Players have high freedom of movement which makes combat fluid and engaging.

6. Warframe

The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 14

Warframe is the only game on our list that combines shooter elements with melee combat, resulting in one of the most action-packed combat systems in any game.

In Warframe, players take control of powerful Tenno warriors who are equipped with advanced weaponry and technology.

Players will need to use their wits and reflexes to survive the many challenges that await them.

5. Guild Wars 2

The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 15

Guild Wars 2 has hybrid action-target combat that falls somewhere between World of Warcraft’s and Tera’s systems.

GW2 has tab-targeting but it also has action mechanics that allow players to dodge. Timing is an important part of combat as well. Attacks may miss if you don’t perform them at the right time. Some attacks may also be intercepted by standing in the way of their route.

Stealth does not always prevent you from taking damage as attacks can also hit invisible players. GW2 has one of the most engaging MMORPG combat systems.

4. Blade & Soul

The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 16

Count on Blade & Soul for martial arts-based action combat. There is no tab-targeting, all attacks are aimed.

PvE combat is fast-paced. In most cases, the mobs won’t know what hit them. Players have many abilities at their disposal. The trick is to use them in specific sequences to form powerful combos. Situational abilities allow players to survive hairy situations.

PvP combat is more tactical. Players must be quick on their feet and make fast decisions to stay alive. Human players are not as predictable as mobs so situational awareness is key.

3. Elder Scrolls Online

  • Developer: ZeniMax
  • Release Date: 2014
  • Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
  • For Fans of Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Fantasy MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 17

When it comes to combat, Elder Scrolls Online follows in the footsteps of its single-player predecessors. The combat system is a hybrid between action combat and tab targeting. Players can damage their opponents with light or heavy attacks and a wide variety of spells.

Dodging, bashing, and interrupting are part of the system as well. The trouble with ESO combat is that it feels clunky and boring at low levels. You don’t have many abilities and it seems like you spend more time avoiding than inflicting damage.

As players level up and unlock more skill lines, combat becomes more fast-paced and interesting.

The game is constantly evolving, with new content and updates being released on a regular basis.

2. Neverwinter

  • Developer: Cryptic Entertainment
  • Released: 2013
  • Platform: PC, Playstation, Xbox
  • For Fans of Dungeons & Dragons, PlayStation MMOs
The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 18

Neverwinter, a Dungeons & Dragons action MMO has fast-paced and fun combat. The developers did a great job adapting D&D mechanics to create an engaging combat system, although the system is pretty far from traditional pen & paper combat.

Neverwinter has active targeting. The reticle on the screen shows where the attacks will land. Using the mouse, players aim the reticle over enemies to hit them with their abilities. Some abilities have cooldowns, others can be spammed at will.

At first, it doesn’t look too complicated but don’t forget that Neverwinter has D&D roots. Mastering combat and understanding how the attributes come into play will take some time.

1. Black Desert Online

The 18 Best Action Combat MMORPGs in 2024 19

Black Desert Online is often praised for its combat system. In this respect, BDO plays like a third-person game. Your attacks won’t hit the target unless your aiming is on point. Blocking and dodging keep you alive, so make sure to learn the ropes of action combat early on.

If you come from traditional MMOs, BDO combat might seem weird at first. You just have to remember that practice makes it perfect. The game also has mounted combat which is tons of fun.

Player housing, farming, and fishing provide amazing distractions when you feel like taking a break from spreading death and destruction.

Read our full review of Black Desert Online here.

So there you have it! Our list of the best Action Combat MMORPGs is currently available. If you’re looking for a fast-paced and intense combat experience, then be sure to check out one of these games.

What is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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    1. @JOKe, I agree, they put Black Desert as #1 and left out Ark AND WoW — and my comment above is true — GW2 is the best of all.

  1. I don’t know if the list is outdated, but even though some games really have reason to be in this list, for being action mmo’s, the Elder Scrolls should not be here. And I wonder why Genshin Impact is not, since it has a great combat system. Cheers

  2. This is a crap list and one that needs to be updated.

    Guild Wars 2 is THE best MMO — and notice that WoW didn’t even make this list — WRONG.

  3. Love how everyone is saying that WoW is not on the list so it’s invalid when it literally says “Action Combat”. WoW is a resident sleeper tab game, it doesn’t belong in this list.

  4. Please dont write anything about games ever again. And i mean EVER AGAIN!!! More than half of thous are not action combat at all. Am sick of clueles ppl talking about things

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