New World Introduces Seasons

Fantasy artwork for "New World: Fellowship & Fire" featuring four adventurers and a mystical creature surrounded by flames. The characters hold various weapons, set against a fiery background with a glowing emblem.

New World Seasons are set to arrive on March 28. This new feature will provide players with more opportunities to earn rewards, unlock new emotes, skins, gear, and other seasonal loot.

According to the game’s developers, the Season Pass will introduce new ways for players to earn meaningful rewards just by playing New World. Players will earn Season XP, level up, and unlock rewards as they progress through their seasonal activities. The Season Pass will have two reward tracks, a free track, and a premium track. The free track will provide a variety of helpful rewards, including new skins, pets, Marks of Fortune, Boost Tokens, seasonal weapons and armor, Umbral Shards, Gypsum Orbs, and caches of materials. Meanwhile, the premium track will offer even more rewards, including cosmetics and additional Marks of Fortune.

New World Introduces Seasons 1

Players can opt-in to the Premium Track at any point during the season and will retroactively receive all eligible rewards. However, any unearned, unique seasonal rewards will be vaulted at the end of the season.

To level up and unlock rewards, players will need to gain Season XP by participating in various activities, including quests, Faction Missions, Town Projects, Expedition Bosses, Outpost Rush, 3v3 Arenas, and more. Seasonal challenges, which are the most difficult objectives each season, will have higher rewards than the seasonal journey. The activity stamp card, a seasonal mini-game, will reward players for daily play. Completing full lines on the card will provide bonus experience.

New World Introduces Seasons 2

Season 1 of New World’s Seasons, entitled Fellowship & Fire, will also come with new narratives, more quests, and a variety of seasonal events like Rabbit’s Revenge, Springtime Bloom, and Fury of the Spriggan. Additionally, new features, like the Gear Set Storage mechanic, will allow players to save and switch between their favorite gear sets.

Players can purchase the Premium Track upgrade for 20,000 Marks of Fortune through the Seasons tab in-game. The Premium Track upgrade will provide players with 100 levels of additional rewards, giving players more opportunities to acquire in-game items. However, all of the non-cosmetic Premium Track rewards can also be earned through the Free Track and normal gameplay.

New World Introduces Seasons 3

Boost Tokens, time-based catch-up mechanics, will provide temporary quality of life conveniences, but they do not affect stats or provide any advantage in combat. Tokens can be earned in-game through the Free and Premium Tracks of the Season Pass, as well as for purchase through the in-game store.

The Season Pass will work across multiple characters in the same World or Region, but rewards can only be claimed once per Region. Progress will not transfer if players switch Regions.

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